Monday, June 30, 2008

New word in Oxford Dictionary

There are possible plans underway to apply to the Oxford and Webster to include a new word for their 2009 dictionary:

badawi [baa-daa-wee] (Transitive verb/Noun/Adjective): To start something full of promise but end in disappointment, failure and/or disaster.


'I'm trusting you to perform this task well; don't do a badawi, ok?'

'Whatever I do, I will always find a way to badawise it.'

France badawied their Euro 2008 campaign. England pre-badawied theirs, while Italy were guilty of over-badawification.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

wut flower do you hate the most??

I hate roses the most... it's like seeing myself when I look at roses...
roses are certainly beautiful when they are in full blossom, but they are hard to maintain...
it's the same with people... people with talent will have to learn how to use their talent to the max, all is lost if they don't... and I'm one of those kind of people...
until I learn how to like, how to love myself, maybe until then I'll learn to like roses...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

At last... I found wut I want...

before, when asked wut is my dream, I can't really give an answer true to what i want... i've been a stupid & foolish kid, wasting my time, doing things half-heartedly, without thinking of the consequences
now i can give an answer, true to what i want... I will not be stopping halfway, doing things half-heartedly anymore... I'll be fighting for what I want, and I must reach my goal 5 years from now
